References and further reading:
Empathize with your political foe | Arthur Brooks
America can’t fix poverty until it stops hating poor people | john a. powell & Arthur Brooks
E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and community in the twenty-first century | Robert Putnam
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Statement from the Black Lives Matter Global Network: “The Black Lives Matter Global Network is a leaderful movement and has grown to an organizing network of over 40 chapters across the world. Since 2013, we have organized under the banner of Black Lives Matter, connecting our work across borders, and fighting for our vision of a future that honors all Black lives. At the same time, some individuals and groups have worked using the name of Black Lives Matter and implied a relationship with our network, chapters, and members. But many of them are not in alignment with our guiding principles. Nor do they have any affiliation with the Black Lives Matter Global Network.
Hawk Newsome and the group known as BLM Greater NY have never been associated with the Black Lives Matter Global Network. They do not have the authority to speak on behalf of the Network or the work our activists are doing globally. And since the Black Lives Matter Global Network has not been contacted by Mr. Newsome or his associates, we believe that no funds raised by these individuals will benefit the Network or the work our chapters lead every day.
To see a full list of our chapters and to support their work, please visit us at”
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